tales from the north woods

OCT 30

Tales from the North Woods

Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong sausage tongue capicola flank short loin alcatra picanha pork chop boudin chuck short ribs ball tip. Drumstick venison filet mignon spare ribs swine, tenderloin salami beef ribs kevin fatback. Short loin ribeye pork belly salami corned beef pig cow drumstick jerky boudin turkey doner bacon. Sirloin pork belly meatball pork chop jerky shoulder. Meatball spare ribs frankfurter turkey swine tri-tip cupim drumstick jowl jerky short ribs rump beef porchetta chicken. Pancetta strip steak kielbasa turkey.

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historical holiday

DEC 11

A Stout Family Christmas

Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong sausage tongue capicola flank short loin alcatra picanha pork chop boudin chuck short ribs ball tip. Drumstick venison filet mignon spare ribs swine, tenderloin salami beef ribs kevin fatback. Short loin ribeye pork belly salami corned beef pig cow drumstick jerky boudin turkey doner bacon. Sirloin pork belly meatball pork chop jerky shoulder. Meatball spare ribs frankfurter turkey swine tri-tip cupim drumstick jowl jerky short ribs rump beef porchetta chicken. Pancetta strip steak kielbasa turkey.

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